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Selected Family Links
The complete set of links are available to family members and invited researchers. If interested inquire with Glen Hamilton.

1) Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1856
Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1856 (posted by Glen)
2) Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1857
Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1857 (posted by Glen)
3) Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1858
Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1858 (posted by Glen)
4) Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1859
Supplina Hamilton - Linn County, Oregon Territory Tax Roll 1859 (posted by Glen)
5) Supplina Hamilton - on Muster Roll for Company H - 1st Regt' Oregon Mounted Volunteers - 1855
Supplina Hamilton's name was again misspelled as 'Sapplina.' We know from family history, pension documents and records like this that Supplina was mustered into the H Company of the Oregon Mounted Volunteers from Linn, Co Oregon on October 23rd, 1855. The Company was commanded by Captain Davis Layton. The volunteers answered the call from Oregon Territorial Governor Curry to form the 1st Regiment to serve 'until discharged' in the effort to put down the Yakima Indian uprising of 1855-1856.
6) Supplina Hamilton 1865 Umatilla County, Oregon Census.
Supplina Hamilton 1865 Umatilla County, Oregon Census. Vol 1 pg 014. Oregon State Archives. (posted by Glen)
7) Supplina Hamilton and Sarah Jane Sumpter Marriage Record. Oregon State Archives
Name: Sumpter, Jane & Hamilton, Supplina | Date: 1858 | Record Type: Marriage | County: Linn | Source: Genealogical (posted by Glen)
8) Supplina Hamilton and the Powell brothers, John, Alfred and Noah
(posted by Glen)
9) Supplina Hamilton in connnection with the Church of Christ in St. John, WA
Supplina Hamilton was a member and evangelist of the Christian Church (Church of Christ) movement through most of this adult life. He is mentioned here in conjunction with the church in St. John, WA. (posted by Glen)
10) Supplina Hamilton Oregon Land Claim
Another abstract of the Oregon land claims including a fuller discussion of the land claim opportunity that drew our family West. I suspect Bushrod (the name is familiar) was related to Supplina but I do not currently know how. (posted by Glen)
11) Supplina Hamilton References in Pioneer Oregon Disciples of Christ Newspapers
Supplina Hamilton, “S. Hamilton”, born in 1832 in New Lexington, Morgan county, Illinois was a 19 year old Oregon Trail pioneer arriving in the Willamette Valley in Sept 1851, a teamster on the Powell wagon train. Supplina wrote that he came west to ‘grow up with the country’ and ‘see the elephant’ (have an adventure), and that he did. He became a respected western renaissance man of sorts on the Oregon and Eastern Washington frontier: Blacksmith, farmer, indian war vet, patented inventor, rural doctor, county commissioner, school administrator and dedicated Disciples of Christ minister. Supplina married Sarah Jane “Jane” Sumpter in Linn County, Oregon in 1858. They raised a large family in Oregon and Washington Territory, finishing their days on their 800 acre wheat farm just south of St John, Washington. The references to Supplina below are in pioneer newspapers affiliated with the Disciples of Christ movement. The publications covered the northwest frontier and the church work of the denomination. The papers were mainly published from Monmouth, Oregon where members of the church established the first college in the region in 1856. That college is now Western Oregon University. (posted by Glen M Hamilton)
12) Supplina Hamilton's 1902 Patent: #705,401 - Swinging Gate. Google Books
(posted by Glen)
13) Supplina Hamilton's connection to the Christian Church at Dixie, WA & Spring Valley, OR.
Supplina Hamilton and the Church of Christ, Christian Church in Dixie, WA. Supplina was ordained an evangelist to the Walla Walla Valley was in a founder and mentor of these early pioneer churches in the Christian Church movement. (posted by Glen)
14) Supplina Hamilton's Regiment - 1st Regiment, Company H, Oregon Mounted Volunteers - Captain Davis Layton
"Company H: Captain Davis Layton, seventy-four men, enrolled October 17th, Linn county; Lieutenants, A. Hanan and John M. Burrows (Second Lieutenant Burrows was killed in battle, December 7th). " ....... " On the 11th of October [1855], [Oregon Territory] Governor Curry issued the following proclamation: "Whereas, certain Indians have been guilty of the commission of criminal offenses, and have combined, and are now engaged in hostilities that threaten the peace and security of the frontier settlements; and the chief in command of the military force of the United States in this district having made requisition upon the executive of this territory for a volunteer force to aid in suppressing the attacks of said hostile Indians, I issue this my proclamation, calling for eight companies of mounted volunteers, to remain in force until duly discharged, each company to consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, four sergeants, four corporals, and sixty privates. Each volunteer, if possible, is to furnish his own horse and equipments. Each company is to elect its own officers, and rendezvous, without delay, on the right bank of the Willamette, opposite Portland, where they will be mustered into service on reporting to the adjutant-general of the territory." ........ "The Indian war of 1855-56 retarded settlement. For years it deterred many from coming to the territories. It almost entirely checked immigration. During its continuance, and for some time after its termination, the discouragement and loss it had occasioned caused numbers to abandon the territories. At the time of the outbreak in 1855, both Oregon and Washington were in the full tide of hopefulness as to the early future. Business was encouraging. Gold discoveries in the eastern section of the territory, then the all-prevailing incentive to immigration, had commenced to attractive attention. Miners from all parts of the Pacific slope were wending their way to the Colvile diggings. The people felt assured at last that gold existed in their midst, and that they were to reap that benefit which would accrue from a gold excitement. They indulged the fond hope, nay, they relied upon the assurance, that there was no danger to be apprehended from the Indians, as they had just concluded treaties of peace and amity. Especially was such feeling as to the future prospects, and as to the peaceable disposition of the Indian population, in the Puget Sound region. There it was, and with the Indians of the interior of Washington Territory and around the valley of the Walla Walla, that the war prevailed with which these pages are to deal. Part of the war ground was within the confines of Oregon Territory."
15) Supplina Has A Friend
Link from Charles Dailey's Blog - Supplina Hamilton and Glen Hamilton (posted by Glen)
16) Supplina Judd - Ancestry
This page traces Supplina Judd (father of Altha Judd) back four generations. Supplina >> Reuben >> Thomas >> Dea. Thomas Judd. (posted by Glen)
17) Supplina Judd Household (and possibly Hamilton children) in 1840 Virginia, Cass County Census
The 1840 Census shows Supplina Judd and household. Supplina was the brother of Altha (Judd) Hamilton. Supplina's father was also named Supplina as was his young eight year old (now orphan) nephew Supplina Hamilton. Supplina was a lawyer and known as 'Squire' Judd. I guess it makes sence that he was living in the county seat of Cass County at the time. Supplina married Susan Pratt in 1837. That being the case at least two of the older children in the household could not have been his own but may have been Hamilton's or other extended family. There is an older woman living with them as well. We do not know who this was. It could be his mother or Susan's mother. Supplina's mother was Jemina (Pooler) Judd. (posted by Glen)
18) Supplina Judd, NY Land Deed (Supplina Hamilton's Mother's Father)
"Supplina Judd, town of Sidney, Delaware County, NY, on July 5, 1808, purchased from Timothy Eastman, town of Sidney, Delaware County, NY, land in Evans Patent, Great Lot 13, part of lot 3, 39 acres. Witnesses Joseph Bicknell and Lydia Bicknell. Recorded July 7, 1808. Pages 548-549. " Great Great Great Grandma Altha Judd would have been around 10 years old at this time. Her bother Heman Judd would have been 8 years old and her baby bother Supplina would have been born that year. Altha married John Hamilton in 1815 and had a son named Supplina. (posted by Glen)
19) Supplina Judd's family. Sidney, NY. 1810
Supplina Judd married Jemina Pooler on Jan 26, 1797 in NY. Here they are listed in the 1810 Census as living in the town of Sidney, NY in Deleware CO. They have six children in the household four under 10 and two in the 10 to 16 census age bracket. We know that they had six children total. One of these children was Altha Judd who would marry John Hamilton in 1815 and become the mother of Supplina Hamilton. It's also interesting to note that it looks like quite a few of Jemina's family were living nearby. There are four Pooler families listed in this relatively small town. (posted by Glen)
20) Supplina Judd's first Illinois land purchase - 1835
There are two Supplina Judd's. The first is Altha (Judd) Hamilton's father. The second is her brother. The elder Supplina Judd and his son were living next to John and Altha Hamilton in Amity, Allegany County, NY in 1830. Apparently sometime thereafter the Hamiltons' and Judds' emigrated to Illinois perhaps in search of better or lower cost farm land. I am assuming this purchase record was for Supplina Judd the elder as Supplina, Jr. and family were living in Virgina, Cass County (not Greene County) as of the 1840 Census. This is only an assumption. As a point of interest, Supplina Hamilton (Son of John and Altha Hamilton), named after his grandpa Supplina Judd, was born in Illinois in 1832. (posted by Glen)
21) Supplina's twin brothers in the Civil War
According to notes from mom (Julia Hamilton) on her visits with Joyce Hamilton (wife of Gordon >> Delbert >> Duron >> Supplina Hamilton). Supplina's twin brothers James M and William M Hamilton served in the 85th Illinois infantry during the Civil War. James M and William M were mustered into the 85th infantry on Aug. 27, 1862. William was a 1st Sargent. He was discharged as disabled on Jan. 27th, 1863. James was promoted from Sargent to 2nd Lt on Oct. 27th, 1863. James was captured at the battle of Peach Tree creek Georgia on July 19, 1864. Both survived the war. The page linked to confirms this information. Detailed information is found in the book: History of the Eighty-fifth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Published in 1901. (posted by Glen)
22) Templeton Family Graves in Wallowa County, Oregon
(posted by Glen)
23) Templeton Historical Trust Properties in North Carolina
This link is to a list of the historical trust properties in North Carolina. Of the few there are, two are adjacent lands put in historical trust by William and Laverne Templeton. These lands are in Iredell county in NC. The first Templetons settled in the area by at least by the first half of the 1700's. David Hamilton is one of the earliest recorded immigrants in that part of the State. In 1828 Robert Templeton left Iredell County and moved to Shelby County, Illinois in the Ash Grove Township. Robert's grandson, Greenberry Shields Templeton was the father of Laura Annette(ie) and Julia Aletha Templeton. the girls emigrated to Oregon with their father and stepmother Hattie (Munson) Templeton and eventually married Judd and Frank Hamilton respectively, the sons of Supplina and Jane Hamilton. (posted by Glen)
24) Templeton's in Illinois: History of Ash Grove, Shelby County, Illinois
Ash Grove Township came into being in 1825 when Samuel Little and Robert Duncan arrived. The Wilson family is also associated with Ash Grove.

... "The deer were the principal game; however, bears were seen in (Ash Grove) township as late as 1833, and panthers for several years later. Along the streams was a favorite hunting ground for the Indian, and as late as 1827 Indian camps still remained. In the winter of 1826 and 1827 the Indians had quite a large camp, of ninety or one hundred lodges, on the west side of the west four mile branch, on what is now the William M. Wilson place. The Indians camped here were a part of three tribes, the Kickapoos, Pottawatomies and Delawares, under a chief by the name of Turkey. These Indians were very friendly, and considered honest by the early settlers. This camp was a lively place, particularly on Sunday, made more so by the presence of a great many white people, who would come from the settlements for miles around to spend the day. The camp was kept lively by horse racing, shooting, foot racing, jumping and trying their muscle in various ways. In the spring of 1827 the Indians left their hunting grounds in this part of the country, and were not seen any more here after the year 1828."

... Cochran's Grove, located in Ash Grove Township, came into being in 1826 with the arrival of John Cochran.

... "There is considerable timber along these streams. Among the larger bodies is Cochran's Grove; it contains fully Three Thousand acres at the head waters of the West Fork of Little Wabash; a part of the Grove is in Richland township, and ... was named in honor of John Cochran, one of the early settlers."

... Cochran's Grove post office served the area sporadically from 1831 through 1856, when mail service was transferred to Windsor. The Cochran, Frazer, Templeton, Storm, Bolin, Green, Dixon and Rankin surnames are associated with Cochran's Grove.

... Robert Templeton arrived in Section 4 of Ash Grove Township in 1828. This North Carolina native settled between two small tributaries of the East Fork of the Little Wabash River. The two streams were called Four Mile Creeks and the area became known as Four Mile Grove.

... The Cochran Cemetery in Section 7 of Ash Grove Township is the final resting place of one of the first people to die in Shelby County. Anna Templeton was buried here in 1829. Cochran, Sexson and Storm family members rest beside her.

... Located in Ash Grove Township Section 7, the Cochran family did bury 92 year old John Cochran here in 1853. Rankins, Storm, Templeton and Abercrombie families are also buried here.

... Cochran's Grove became Windsor on July 8, 1856. It served the communities of Quigley and Sargents. Windsor was also known as Illiopolis. (posted by Glen)

25) Tennesee Mine and Poker Flat - Looking North - Sierra County, CA
An aerial view of the Northern Sierra Range overlooking Tennesee Mountain and the Tennesse Ravine where is located the Tennesse Mine. Poker Flat is shown in the valley below. Maurice L. Hamilton and his son, Arthur, worked the the Tennesse mine in the 1960's and 70's. (posted by Glen)
26) Tennesse Mine and Poker Flat - Looking South - Sierra County, CA
A Southward aerial look at the Tennesse Mine and Poker Flat. The Poker Flat road descends from Skyhigh down into Poker Flat. Maurice L. Hamilton and his son, Arthur, worked the the Tennesse mine in the 1960's and 70's. (posted by Glen)
27) Tennessee Mine Site - Sierra County, CA
This mine was leased and worked by Maurice Lake Hamilton, his wife Elsie and son of their children and grandchildren. Among them Arthur L. Hamilton was an active partner with his father in the mine operations. (posted by Glen)
28) Tennessee Mine Site - Sierra County, CA
Another picture of the Tennesee mine site. The bunk house, shop and out buildings appear to be demolished. The tailing pile and dump can clearly be seen. (posted by Glen)
29) The country church John and Altha Hamilton may have attended
This pioneer Presbyterian congregation in Cass County, Illinois was very likely attended by John and Altha Hamilton from the time they entered the county (c. 1831) to their their death c. 1839(?). The congregation is known as the Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A leading pioneer minister of the congregation was the Reverend William McCord. He died in 1833. In 1834 when John and Altha had their twin sons, they named one of them William McCord Hamilton.... we believe after their esteemed minister, William McCord. The Scotch-Irish Hamilton's had likely been Presbyterian for many generations at this point. (posted by Glen)
30) The Dawn of the Ulster-Scots as shown in the BBC
This is a BBC documentary on the Scottish 'Ulster plantation' founded in Northern Ireland in 1606. It was produced on the 400th anniversary of the founding of this historically transformational colony in 2006. The movement was lead by James Hamilton and Hugh Montgomery. Our Hamilton lineage genetically traces its roots through Ulster back to Scotland. We were at one point in our history (likely from the early 1600's to the mid-1700's) 'Ulster-Scots.' When our family got to America the Ulster Scots became known as the 'Scots-Irish.' This documentary is now on in four segments: a, b, c and d. Note: We are genetically not closely related to the descendants of James Hamilton who came to Ulster in 1606 but the families of the Duke of Abercorn (Hamilton) in Northern Ireland are well known to this family and we are genetically closely related to them. (posted by Glen)

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