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Selected Family Links
The complete set of links are available to family members and invited researchers. If interested inquire with Glen Hamilton.
Hamilton - Montgomery 1606. The dawn of the Ulster Scots
Enjoy the movie on the site... and the information. It appears that we are genetically closely related to the Ulster-Scot Hamiltons.
Hamilton - the 'Visit Lanarkshire' Web Site
You'll read among other trivia, that "At 15 seconds, Hamilton Mausoleum has the longest echo of any building in the world." (posted by Glen)
Hamilton Castle / Palace Forum page
Great forum page with photos and information on the Cadzow castle ruins and the history of the Hamilton Palace. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton children in Nespelem City Cemetary
A kind soul documented the graves in the Nespelem City Cemetary for Among the graves are three of Maurice and Elsie Hamilton's children: Hamilton, Darrel, b. 1921 - d. 1936,
Hamilton, Jimmie, b. 1928 - d. 1929, Hamilton, Mazie, b. 1890 - d. 1893. The last entry for Mazie the researcher said was 'hard to read.' Mazie was born in January 1930 (or possibly Dec. 1929). She was five years old when she died.
This link also provides directions to the cemetary. When I was a child and living in Elmer City, WA every memorial day we went to the graves and spent time cleaning them up and tending or planting the flowers. I can still hear the meadowlarks singing and the beautiful flowers called 'flags' that mark the grave sites. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton Families by DNA
Hamilton's like much of the family history world is looking to DNA markers to make some order out of long forgotten (or poorly documented) family lines.
The Hamilton National Geneaolgical Society has been coordinating the collection and comparision of Hamilton family DNA lines. They use the Family Tree DNA testing service (
The page linked here is to a family line grouping table. Groups A through K are known related Hamilton lines via DNA markers. Group X is all the rest.
I'm ordering the test... so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully we won't end up in Group X! If we match any existing group my best guess is that Group K would be the most likely. But who knows! Likely we'll be in for some surprises.
Going forward as more Hamilton families participate more data will be available for comparision.
(posted by Glen)
Hamilton Family History - Group B Hamiltons
This is a summary of the Hamilton family history including a discussion of Group B Hamiltons, of which we are currently the modal or most normative members of that genetic Hamilton sub group. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton Mausoleum
Interesting picture of the Hamilton Mausoleum, in Hamilton, Scotland. This is where several of the Dukes of Hamilton were laid to rest in our family line. We know the connection through recent genetic testing. The mausoleum, along with the family hunting lodge known as 'Chatelherault' (suggesting our Norman roots) are some of remains of the (now demolished) Hamilton Palace grounds. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton National Geneaological Society (HNGS)
(posted by Glen)
Hamilton Surname Distribution in the United Kingdom
(posted by Glen)
Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds article on Wikipedia
Danny Hamilton was the son of Maurice and Elsie (Galloway) Hamilton. Maurice was the son of Judd Hamilton, son of Supplina. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds Article on Wikipedia
As you may know, Wikipedia is the now the world's largest most current encyclopedia. It is 100% free and maintained by volunteer editors. Anyone may contribute and edit it. The personal biography of Dan Hamilton is waiting for an author to write a 'wiki' for him. This bio of the group may also be edited if there are inaccuracies. With Wikipedia you really do get a chance to write history. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds on
This is pretty amazing. Danny and group remembered. Some of the most interesting music videos are those by a former friend and band member of Danny's, Roberto Kawata, who has incorporated slides with previously unpublished recordings of the group playing LIVE. One of the comments on one of the video posts caught my eye: "I believe All Music Guide stated it best in their bio; 'Dan Hamilton was certainly an underrated and creative talent, and this album is an achievement by an artist who should have had many more hits leading a multi-talented band.' (posted by Glen)
Hamilton/Doolittle Family Tree
This is an interactive website, via Family Tree Maker, that post all the information I have collected from my mothers and fathers sides of the family. Most of the information from the Hamilton side of the family has come via the family web site and Glen's hard work. I do encourage you all to take a look at it and help me make it accurate and correct so that it may be a very useful tool for years to come. Enjoy! (posted by Jon Patrick Hamilton)
Hamilton: Scot Clan History
(posted by Glen)
Hamilton: Undiscovered Scotland - The Ultimate Online Guide
This is a good article with pictures of Hamilton (formerly Cadzow) in Scotland. This is now known to be our Hamilton family's genetic point of origin... where our surname originated. (posted by Glen)
Hamilton's 1851 Oregon Pioneers
As of June 6, 1851 there had passed Fort Kearny 837 emigrant wagons, 2883 individuals (1156 men, 928 women, 799 children), 5975 oxen, cows, horse and mules.
According to records kept by John Boulware, ferryman at Table Creek (Old Fort Kearny), 220 wagons had crossed at that point by late May. The remainder apparently crossing at other points below.
Among them Supplina Hamilton.
(posted by Glen)
Hamiltons on Union Flat Creek, Whitman County, WA
This PDF document is the transcript of an oral history of Phillip Ochs, Endicott, Washington, 1959 (with Gordon Lindeen). Mention is made of the Supplina Hamilton family on p. 163,... "There were not stock wars here between the stockmen and the farmers. Just a little trouble between the sheepmen and the stockmen that way. They were separatethe sheepmen had their sheep and the stockmen had their horses and a few cattle. It was mostly horses at that time. The Hamiltons lived over on Union Flat; they had some horses. And there was a man by the name of Pangburn,3 an old bachelor over there. He had quite a few head of horses. And there was Perry dFrance; he lived over here on the river. He had quite a bunch of horses150-200 head I guess." (posted by Glen)
Heather Coburn's website and work
[Extra comments added by Glen: Heather is the daughter of Melody who is the daughter of John who is the son of Maurice Hamilton] (posted by Heather Coburn)
History Link Article on Daniel Bagley, Minister who married Amasa Galloway & Elizabeth Jordan
Here is a link to a fascinating article on about Daniel Bagley. Mr. Bagley was a pioneer Methodist minister and Newcastle coal mine manager who married Amasa Galloway and Elizabeth Jordan in King County, in 1870. The noted Newcastle coal mines were just a few miles south of Amasa's homestead near what is now Bellevue / Factoria... down what is now Coal Creek Parkway. Seattle's Bagley Avenue, northward from the shores of Lake Union, honors both Daniel and his son, Clarence Bagley. (posted by Glen)
History of Menard and Mason County Illinois - Published 1879
Shortly after I created and posted the PDF file of selected pages from the book, 'History of Menard and Mason County Illinois,' I found this link. Three kind souls, Jeanie Lowe, Kristin Vaughn & Ellen Booth have transcribed the entire work and posted it online for all to read, research and enjoy. (posted by Glen)
History of Old Toroda, Washington
Old Toroda was 4 to 5 miles north of Wauconda, Wa. It was here that Elsie (Galloway) Hamilton spent her early childhood with her grandparents, Amasa and Elizabeth Galloway.
History of Poker Flat - Tennesse Mine
Information from the Oakland Museum of California on the History of Poker Flat with a mention of the nearby Tennesse and the Alhambra mines. Maurice L. Hamilton and his son, Arthur, worked these mines in the 1960's and 70's. (posted by Glen)
History of Sarah Jane (Sumpter) Hamilton's family
This link (discussion thread) tells us some of the history of the Sumpter's. This Sumpter family member has shared a transcribed version of Alexander Sumpter, Jr.'s family history notes. The notes were written in Alexander Jr.'s own hand in a notebook in the possession of his son, John A. Sumpter. As a point of interest, Alexander Jr., his family (including son John A.) and his father Alexander Sr. are listed in the 1900 US Census in the same household in Santiam Precinct in Linn Co. Oregon (see the Docs section of the site). Alexander Jr. was the baby in his mother's womb, Nancy (Prather) Sumpter, when Alexander Sr. and Nancy crossed the Oregon Trail in 1853 with their eight daughters. One of those eight daughters was 15 year old Sarah Jane Sumpter, who would marry Supplina Hamilton in 1858. She is my grandfather's grandmother. Grandma 'Jane' was born in Missouri. Her little brother Alexander, Jr. writes some details of the Sumpter family history stories. Here is a quote I especially like: "Grand Father Sumpter... George Wash Sumpter... born in Virginia in time of the Revolutionary War... was carried in his mothers arms in to Washington's Army to see his father." This is amazing! 'Grandfather' George Washington Sumpter was named for General George Washington and as a babe in arms visited Washington's army where infant George's father was serving under Washington! It also appears that the noted General Sumpter who fought in the Revolution was also a relative. It was for General Sumpter that Fort Sumpter (sometimes spelt 'Fort Sumter') in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina was named. The Civil War broke out at Fort Sumpter on April 12, 1861. (posted by Glen)
History of the creation of Umatilla County, Oregon
(posted by Glen)
How the Scots-Irish Came to America
This PDF file is a leaflet produced by the Ulster Scots Agency. " An estimated quarter of a million people emigrated from the north of Ireland to America through the 18th century, most of them of Scottish Presbyterian stock whose ancestors had moved to Ulster during the Plantation years of the 17th century." All the current evidence points to our Hamilton family having emigrated to the US from Ulster in the early to mid 18th century as well. (posted by Glen)
Glen Hamilton's new blog site (posted by Glen)
James M. Hamilton - Grave. Cherry Grove Cemetary, Mason County, Illinois
This links to a page noting burials in the Cherry Grove Cemetary in Mason County, Illinois. James M. Hamilton was the twin brother of William McCord Hamilton. They were born in 1834 in Morgan County, Illinois to John and Altha (Judd) Hamilton. One of their older brothers was Supplina Hamilton. James along with his brother William served in Company C 85th Illinois Infantry in the Civil War. James rose from Fifth Sargeant to Second and then to First Lieutenant. He was captured by the Confederates at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia having fought galantly in the war. In the book, "History of the 85th Illinois Volunteers - Illinois Volunteer Infantry" by
Henry J. Aten on page 376 we read: "SECOND LIEUTENANT JAMES M. HAMILTON was born in Morgan county, Illinois, in 1834, and was an unmarried farmer when he enlisted from Mason City, in Mason county [on Aug 27, 1862]. He was chosen fifth sergeant at the organization of the company, served through Kentucky and Tennessee campaigns, and was promoted second lieutenant October 7, 1863. He participated in all the campaigns in which the regiment was engaged until captured in the battle of Peach Tree creek, Georgia, July 19, 1864, was exchanged before the close of the war. He was mustered out with the regiment and returned to Mason City, Ill., where he died in about 1874." Actually, it appears that James was promoted again to 1st Lieutenant on January 1st 1864 and mustered out of the army on June 5, 1865. James died on February 20, 1869 and was buried here in the Cherry Grove Cemetary in Mason County. He is believed to have died unmarried. James twin brother William named a son after his brother James and father-in-law, Edward Porter. James Edward Hamilton was the father of Edward Hamilton and the Grandfather of Clarence Hamilton.
James Ramsay Homestead - Pierce County, Washington - 1889
Living next to their friends the Stilley family, this map shows the James and Mary Ramsay property in just northwest of Buckley, WA in 1889. The Ramsay's youngest daughter, Lillian or Lillie was the mother of Elsie Luetta (Galloway) Hamilton. (posted by Glen)
Jay Perkins Templeton - Oregon Birth Record - 2/26/1894 - Wallowa County
Jay Perkins Templeton - Oregon Birth Record - 2/26/1894 - Wallowa County. Jay was the son of Greenberry (sometimes spelled Greenbury) 'Green' Shields Templeton and second wife Hattie. (posted by Glen)
Jemima Judd - wife of Suplina Judd - Charter Member of theFirst Church of Christ in Sidney, Delaware Co, NY - January 12th, 1808
From the book: The History of Delaware County
W.W. MUNSELL 1797-1880 / THE TOWN OF SIDNEY. Here's an exerpt: "January 12th, 1808, a council was called to constitute a church in Sidney, composed of Revs. Joel Chapen, .... After a careful examination the following persons were approved and considered qualified to be constituted into a church, to wit: Israel Smith and Elizabeth, his wife; Samuel Rogers and Sarah, his wife; Israel Smith, jr.; ... , Jemima Judd and Lydia Johnston, twenty-six in all. The next day the church was duly constituted in the upper room of a public house, then kept by David Smith. Rev. Archibald Basset preached the sermon. The name given was "The First Church of Christ in Sidney." Israel Smith and Enos Goodman were chosen the first deacons. Deacon Israel Smith was great-grandfather of President Hayes." Also known as 'Jemina.' (posted by Glen)